Speaking of Religion ...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Does seeking justice really mean unforgiveness? I

See woman raped in college. Watch man who raped woman contact her 20 years later. Man confesses. Woman probes. Woman finds that man has not really accepted responsibility. Man is charged in court of law. Man pleads innocent. Woman receives letter from Christians criticizing her for pressing charges against man. Christians say woman should forgive.

I have one question in regard to that: What does forgiveness have to do with justice?

Man breaks law. Man should go the prison. If man wishes to act in a Christ-like manner, man accepts responsibility as well as punishment.

Why criticize Liz Seccuro for working with prosecutors who want to bring to justice a man who commits rape? There is not one place in the Bible, that I can find at least, that God says people who break men's laws on this Earth should not be held accountable for those wrongs by the society that make the laws.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

The case of the returned diamonds

Is it just me, or is it troubling to others also that a cab driver who returned diamonds left in his cab by a fare is considered unusual.
Of course, we likely would not have heard this story had the cabbie never returned the diamonds, not just because the fare who lost them would likely not have remembered where she left them, but also because it would not have been considered newsworthy that someone had not acted in such an honorable way. It's sad to me that we're so used to be people behaving badly, but find it amazing when people behave the way they should - as "enlightened" as we are supposed to be, it seems it should be the other way around.
But, I have to admit it's nice to hear about such people, though I really don't think people should be rewarded for doing what they ought to be doing anyway. And his response, too, was refreshing. It appeared, from the way the article was written anyway, that he really was just doing what came seemed naturaly for him. If only a tendency toward the good were really the natural response in all of our daily lives.
